Setting The Scene / 11.5" x 11.5" / Acrylic / 2018

Setting The Scene / 11.5" x 11.5" / Acrylic / 2018
Interview: Kelsey "Z" / 05:43 / Digital Recording / 2017

Alley off Swift Between 28th and 29th Street North Kansas City, Missouri / 71" x 32" / Acrylic / 2017

Setting The Scene / 11.5" x 11.5" / Acrylic / 2018

Evidence: Discarded Printing Block, Private Residence, 27th and Charlotte, Kansas City, Missouri

The Artist as Issac Graves / 31" x 44" / Charcoal and Pastel on Paper / 2017

Merriam Graves in Repose / 6" x 8" / Acrylic on Board / 2017

Sketch of the Baptism Ceremony as Described by Nephi Graves / 4" x 4" / Graphite / 2017

Development of the Parasitic Fungus 'Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis' Stage 1 / 11" x 14" / Acrylic / 2017-2018

Replica of Merriam's Throne / 20" x 20" x 36" / Sycamore Branches, Adhesive, Screws / 2018

Setting The Scene: Weston Bend State Park, Missouri / 15" x 15" / Acrylic on Panel / 2018
Interview: Jamie Comstock / 04:14 / Digital Recording / 2018